Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Better Than Facebook

Yep, blogging is way better than Facebook. Here's how I know. I have taken an on and off break, fast if you will from FB. I realized it is not a blessing to me. Seems that it really is a place for me to vent my frustrations about the woman in line in front of me at Kroger, or the recent hijinks my kids have done or, the weirdest part, looking at what someone else is doing right this minute. Is anyone else creeped out by how fascinated we all are by the goings on of other people? When I thought about it half a second I realized that if I am reading what your kids are doing, I'm missing out on my own kids. There's another non blessing about old FB to me... the lack of real interaction with real people. Most of the way we share what's going on in our lives is through FB. Again, weird. I had stopped getting calls to say hi, I was getting "wall posts" saying, " I'm thinking of you today!". I had stopped calling people to say hi because after all I "liked" their status. When I posted that my son had no more cancer, 2 dozen people commented with well wishes and 2 dozen more "liked" my status. That's when I realized Facebook was not for me. I was grateful for folks reading our posts and updates, but nothing heals the souls like a good friend calling and wishing you well. I like the phone calls. I'm a people person. I enjoy people actually talking to me. My husband, well he's another story on the people liking. But me, I crave a human voice!
I wondered what I would miss not "knowing" what was going on. Turns out a lot! Not many of my friend share the disdain for FB that I do. I have realized that I am a dinosaur. I am being dragged into technology kicking and screaming. Well, not kicking and screaming so much and whining and grumbling. Two extremely unattractive skills I have about mastered.
However I have found that with a little effort, I have been able to chat live with people. It may not be the dozens of "conversations" I was having through FB, but it is a few meaningful chats.
I'm not a hater of the facebook, just not a lover of it. It's been a really long time since I have sat down to write anything unrelated to cancer. I love writing. I have a lot to say and I'm sure my sweet husband gets tired of hearing my musings. So here's my alternative to Facebook... writing my blog. Let's face it, I'm always going to need to vent or share the happenings of Weir, TX, but I think this is a healthier way. Most likely it's just going to be Marck, and my mom that read this, but I can purge my thoughts on the computer and spare my husband of my rantings.... at least most days.


  1. Ya know what's funny? I love Facebook and have been known to over share. I too have been taking a break for a few weeks. It's all because I too haven't gotten phone calls and if I did run into someone, they'd say, "Oh, I keep up with you through Facebook," and they do this little thing with their hand. So, yeah, for now, I'm done sharing. Maybe I'll start getting phone calls again! :)

  2. Oh you know I'll read :)
    I loved my facebook break, best thing ever, I'm back on a limited basis, but it's different now. And I was so glad to see you face-to-face today :)

  3. I agree with you Jen. FB lover and hater here. I do love that I have reconnected with some highschool friends! Otherwise, I miss my phone calls! Keep it up girl!

  4. high school. That is why I don't blog! Ha!

  5. So glad you are blogging! Read an old one of yours a few weeks ago and keep forgetting to tell you how much I liked it (I think I found it by following the link on the bottom of your email). Guess it's good I didn't tell you that via fb? :)

  6. Girlfriend! I started blogging about a year ago and it's very therapeutic and so good for the soul. Facebook has a purpose, but it isn't fulfilling like blogging is. I'm going to start following your blog. I love your voice and your heart and how you deliver your stories with honesty and grace. Hip Hip Hooray for Weir, TX!!!! I can't wait to read!!! Check out my blog if you get the chance. (

    PS This is Nikki :)
