Wednesday, May 18, 2011

It's been a week, and I'm still giddy!

Yep, a whole we since In and Out graced us with it's presence. Can't you just hear the angels in heaven singing?? No, wait til Trader's comes! Then you'll hear it!
Over the past week I have been so amused at all the Fb postings about this glorious place. Really, all the slander. All the hatred over why on God's green earth would we ever stand in line for a burger. After all it is just a burger. I mean, I have read some pretty hateful things. Really. To top it off there was a woman at baseball the other day who was ready to SPIT NAILS she was so irritated about the line. She say's, ugh, IT"S JUST A HAMBUGER!!". And she was all sour puss looking when she said it. To which, of course I told her to simmer down Missy. Some of us enjoy the lines and the stupid burger. :-)
It's made me laugh really at my community and how people get worked up over the DUMBEST things. That's me shouting BTW. What does it matter to you if I stand in a line for hours for a burger? Why does it bother you soo much? The same folks complaining about people standing in line are the very same ones who think nothing of spending crazy money on sports, phones, or electronics for their kids! You don't see me picketing and rioting on FB about it do you? Nope, I let them be crazy in their own way not even mentioning the fact that their kids might turn out to be monsters later in life. Yep never say a word about it.
It's just been hilarious. I've never in my life seen so much uproar over a hamburger. I imagine that In and Out would thank all those people who got so bent out of shape. Likely because of them those who wouldn't have even given it a thought now are curious and head their way to spend their money. I guess I should thank them. More interest in the place will keep it thriving that much longer.
Some people value gadgets, some clothes, still others cars. Me, it's food. Food and coffee. I'm giddy it's here! I'm over joyed Trader's is coming. I have mentioned but in case you forgot, there is going to be a feast in heaven remember! I believe God is giddy over food too. :-)
Just one more reason why this place is fantastic... Twisted Root for our family of 6: $72, In and Out for our family of 6: $20.


  1. Why don't you and IN-N-OUT go get a room already? Sheesh! ;-)

  2. LOL Sandye!

    I don't recall standing in line for anything. Wait. I have stood in line for stamps. Wait. Does that count? Just for the record. I don't care if people stand in line for whatever makes them happy.

  3. I had In N Out last week in CA and there was a line. Best I recall, there's alllways a line. Kinda like at Chick Fil A. But I wait in line there, too, cuz there's no substitute for it. Neither does anything compare to In N Out. I love that the founders of both of those companies aren't afraid to stand up for the things of God. (Chick Fil A closed on Sundays and In N Out puts bible verses on their cups) I will happily wait in line for good food AND to support fellow Believers. PS I fully believe that the people who spend energy complaining about a place they will never set foot in are the same people who give the ACLU job security. To them I say, "Pffffttttt"

  4. I guess In N Out isn't willing to lose the Sunday revenue.....
