Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Phew! We made it!

Here we are, May 25th and we've made it! My goal was to be finished with school the 26th, before hubby's and my birthdays( after all who wants to teach on their birthdays!), and we are! Looking back on our year this my friends is nothing short of a miracle. On our second day of the school we got a lovely phone call that changed our lives forever. And turns out changed the big plans I had for this school year. We were going to go on field trips to museums and train rides and factories that made bread! Heck it was going to be the best school experience my kids had ever had. That wasn't the way things went down. Our fab field trips turned out to be just Children's hospital at least once a week with an overnight stay that wasn't exactly the Hyatt. When most of Texas was hunkered down because of ice storms and worried about when they will see the outside world again, we were traipsing all over DFW getting tests and lymph nodes removed.
Throughout the year I had been known to throw a tantrum at the Lord and shake my sorry fist at Him and say" this wasn't my PLAN!!" "This SUCKS!!". I was not only mad at the reason for the interruption but the fact that we couldn't do all the things we planned. The kids didn't learn a lick of world history or geography like I had planned. Would they be illiterate? In one of rants and raves I suddenly realized all that was fluff. God showed me if they are reading, writing, and doing math, they are perfectly fine. But me being the type A over achiever that was hard to swallow. It was hard to take that my perfect plan was not only interrupted but it would never come to pass. So gently God whispered, " you ways are not My ways". Oh snap! No kidding right? I had forgotten that through praying for healing for Zion that God was also working a work in everyone else in Weir,Tx. He was working on our characters, our view of the rest of the world. He was drawing us closer to each other and to Him.
So where my children didn't take a lot of tests, and they may not yet know how many countries are in Africa,(hell husband can't tell you that either), but they can tell you about a little girl who is fighting for her life that they pray for often. They can tell you what it means to give your extra pennies to buy a toy for a child who is getting some awful tests done that day. They can tell you that they know how to pray for their brother to not get cancer again. My favorite part is that if you asked them who their best friend is they would say without hesitation it's each other.  I love how close we are now. I love that instead of sticking to my rigid curriculum I check in with the Lord and see what He wants to work on.
God's plan is truly amazing. My goal for the 2011-2012 school year is to listen to His voice and follow His plan for our family. That and watch the summer Olympics! :-) Maybe His plan would include us going to London?? Happy Summer friends!!


  1. Sweet post! I've always agreed with the sentiment that Education involves more than just Readin', Writin', and 'Rithmatic. And you solidified that theory! Go on! It's ya Birthday! ;)

  2. Oh that's a lovely post. I'd take kids with character any day over book smarts!
